Dedicated to excellence in software development

Oasis Digital developers:

  • Communicate and collaborate efficiently.
  • Take responsibility for our work.
  • Resourcefully solve unanticipated problems.
  • Seek clarification, but also make domain-based assumptions.

We've maintained our focus on excellence in software development and training since 2001. While our headquarters is in St. Louis, we collaborate remotely around the US and occasionally around the world.

Meet the team

Michael McNeil

Managing Partner

The management principal of Oasis Digital, Michael McNeil drives priorities, manages across software teams, and shapes product design (including UX/UI). Michael writes extensively and is very active in education and local government. You can learn more on his web site including a short bio.

Paul Spears

Technical Lead

Paul leads software development projects for Oasis Digital clients, as well as the curriculum development process for Angular Boot Camp. Paul works to spread state-of-the-art Angular techniques both inside projects and across the development community as a speaker and panelist.

John Baur

Technical Lead

John leads development projects at Oasis Digital, and keeps a tight focus on regular delivery and team orchestration. He specializes in managing the trade-offs among conflicting short and long-term project needs.

Joining Our Team

Interested in joining our team? Visit our careers page.